1. AIAC 2021 Carcassonne

건축종합설계3으로 타국가의 건축과 학생들과 한 한기 2번의 workshop을 통해, 같은 주제로, 같은 기간에 project를 진행함으로, 외국어로 자신의 생각을 표현함과 동시에 다른 문화를 자연스럽게 접할 수 있고, 그 새로운 문화를 바탕으로, 좀 더 넓고 높은 건축적 사고를 가지게 된다.

2. Renovation

각 지역에서 에서 볼 수 있는 근대건축물을 선정, 개축, 증축 등을 계획하여, 실무에서 접할 수 있는 많은 Renovation의 Project 을 접하게 한다.
도시 속에 성장해온 근대건축물을 현재 도시의 조건과 새로운 개념의 renovation용도를 통해 도시의 지역지구의 인문, 사회, 자연적 측면으로 재분석 한다.

  • AIAC 2021 Carcassonne


AIAC 2021
The AIAC (Atelier International d’Architecture Construite ) has been established in 1999 to develop a pedagogical approach to architectural design that regards the issues connected globally while also attending to thedemands in the built environment.
It is a partnership of outstanding Architecture schools from all over the world to share an experience of working on a common design project every year.
Students of partner schools collaborate for a culutural field survey in a specific location and exchange their design ideas through a final exhibition of their proposals.

An international jury composed of architecture scholars and professionals selects the awardee projects.
We are proud of more than 20 years of history of this joint studio program that successfully shifted
to an online event in 2021, thus demonstrating the strong and resilient community ties that withstood the hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The City of Carcassonne has more than 45,000 inhabitants and revolves around the medieval city listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, Bastide Saint-Louis (created in the 13th century) passing through the Pont Vieux (this link of stones loaded with 2000 years of history) and the port of Carcassonne on the Canal du Midi (built in the 17th century by the architect Pierre Paul Riquet and also classified as World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1996). This project is part of a global revitalization policy for the Bastide.
The latter, created in the 13th century according to a pre-established plan, is still divided into "squares" delimited by four streets and which each covering between 40 and 65 acres. They have in the centre of a garden connected to the street by covered passages so that there are green spaces and wells. Jewel of the current town, the bastide is bounded by the boulevards laid out in the 18th century on the old ditches of the formerly fortified town.
The military enclosure and the gates defend the lower town (Bastide): the lower town enclosure was built from 1355 to 1359, under the orders of the Count of Armagnac; its circumference was 2,800 m; the bastions (Calvaire, St Martial, Montmorency) were built after 1359; At that time, we confined ourselves to erecting round towers at the angles, of a larger size than those of the other parts of the enclosure. Towards the end of the 16th century, on the occasion of the religious wars which devastated the South of France, the town was flanked by 5 bastions: 1 at each corner and 1 on the side of the enclosure, towards the west; it was the bastion of Saint-Martial to the north-west, the Bastion of la Figuières to the north-east, of Montmorency to the south-east, It is in this remarkable environment that the project must take place.


The project will have to respond to several challenges and objectives:
- enhance the image of the Bastide
- offer structuring and appropriate equipment to residents and users
- bring together university courses scattered around the outskirts of the city in the heart of the city.

The public image of the project is built on three elements: The architectural style, the urban integration and the environmental approach adopted. The exterior image of the equipment must on the one hand be one of the supports for the dynamism of the Bastide and on the other hand, be welcoming to the students.

The direct external extensions such as the entrance square, the various plantings, the possible terraces, will have to stage the equipment in its urban environment and will fully participate in the enhancement of the latter. The connection to the public space will have to reveal clear and identifiable access for the users.
- A university campus made up of :
    1) a University Institute of Technology
    2) a Nursing Training Institute
    3) a Training Institute for Caregivers
    4) a multipurpose space for tertiary or artisanal vocation on the ground floor
    5) a restaurant area / panoramic bar

- All of the requirements represent approximately 4,700m² of Useful Surface.
    1) A distribution coefficient of 30% will be applied to take into account the surfaces necessary for vertical and horizontal distributions which must be
         closed and covered, with the possible exception of accessory clearances which would be necessary due to the architectural design chosen, i.e.
         approximately 1,400 m²
    2) A coefficient of technical premises of 10% will be taken into account, ie approximately 450m².
    3) Overall, the project will cover approximately 6,550 m² of surface area in the work.
    4) 2,700 m² will be the subject of rehabilitation of the current association house. The remaining 3,850m² should be imagined as new construction on
         several levels on the footprint of the Veterans Affairs car park.
  • Renovation

  • M O D E R N     A R C H I T E C T U R E

근대건축물 리노베이션 프로젝트

작년 경상남도에 이어 전남지역 전지역을 범위로 하여 건물의 완공 시기가 1900-1950년대인 근대 건축물을 대상으로 이루어진 리노베이션(Renovation)

근대건축물 리노베이션의 의의

우리의 도시공간에는 역사적 의미와 가치를 가진 다양한 근대건축물이 존재한다. 그러나 도시의 발전에 의한 계속되는 확장으로 거대화 일변도에 편중되어져 있다. 또한 이러한 도시의 빠른 확장은 무분별한 도시개발의 허용으로 이어지고, 보전계획이 마련되기도 전에 노후, 훼손된 역사적 가치를 가진 근대건축물은 보전의식과 경제논리에 밀려 이미 상당수는 이미 멸실되고 훼손 되어지고 있다. 우리의 문화 역사적 산물인 근대건축물의 보존과 활용을 위한 리노베이션 아이디어를 제안한다. 또한 보존, 활용가능한 근대건축물을 재활용함으로 지속 가능한 사회의 구축과 도시의 정체성을 확립하는데 의의가 있다.