1.  AIAC 2022 Marrakech

건축종합설계3으로 타국가의 건축과 학생들과 한 한기 2번의 workshop을 통해, 같은 주제로, 같은 기간에 project를 진행함으로, 외국어로 자신의 생각을 표현함과 동시에 다른 문화를 자연스럽게 접할 수 있고, 그 새로운 문화를 바탕으로, 좀 더 넓고 높은 건축적 사고를 가지게 된다.

2.  Renovation

각 지역에서 에서 볼 수 있는 근대건축물을 선정, 개축, 증축 등을 계획하여, 실무에서 접할 수 있는 많은 Renovation의 Project 을 접하게 한다.
도시 속에 성장해온 근대건축물을 현재 도시의 조건과 새로운 개념의 renovation용도를 통해 도시의 지역지구의 인문, 사회, 자연적 측면으로 재분석 한다.
  • AIAC 2022 Marrakech

AIAC 2022 
The AIAC (Atelier International d’Architecture Construite ) has been established in 1999 to develop a pedagogical approach to architectural design that regards the issues connected globally while also attending to thedemands in the built environment.
It is a partnership of outstanding Architecture schools from all over the world to share an experience of working on a common design project every year.
Students of partner schools collaborate for a culutural field survey in a specific location and exchange their design ideas through a final exhibition of their proposals.
An international jury composed of architecture scholars and professionals selects the awardee projects.

Marrakech is the fourth largest city in the Kingdom of Morocco. It is one of the four Imperial cities of Morocco and is the capital of the Marrakesh-Safi region. The city is situated west of the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. 
The region has been inhabited by Berber farmers since Neolithic times. The city was founded in 1070 by Emir Abu Bakr ibn Umar as the imperial capital of the Almoravid Empire. The Almoravids established the first major structures in the city and shaped its layout for centuries to come. The red walls of the city, built by Ali ibn Yusuf in 1122–1123, and various buildings constructed in red sandstone afterwards, have given the city the nickname of the "Red City" Marrakesh grew rapidly and established itself as a cultural, religious, and trading center for the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. Jemaa el-Fnaa is the busiest square in Africa.
After a period of decline, the city was surpassed by Fez, and in the early 16th century, Marrakesh again became the capital of the kingdom. The city regained its preeminence under wealthy Saadian sultans Abdallah al-Ghalib and Ahmad al-Mansur, who embellished the city with sumptuous palaces such as the El Badi Palace (1578) and restored many ruined monuments. Beginning in the 17th century, the city became popular among Sufi pilgrims for its seven patron saints who are entombed here. In 1912 the French Protectorate in Morocco was established and T'hami El Glaoui became Pasha of Marrakesh and held this position nearly throughout the protectorate until the role was dissolved upon the independence of Morocco and the reestablishment of the monarchy in 1956.




•The project is located in an urban wasteland of approximately 100Ha (including the residential project) in the city center and near the historical rampart limiting the Medina of Marrakesh. The site hosts many events, not only on a city scale, but even on a national and international one, such as: the COP22, exhibitions... For this reason, the scenario and the desired concept remains free but it must make of the event function an important element of the program and urban concept.

•Students have the right to mix the event function with other functions without hindering the proper functioning of this site during major events.

•Students should take into consideration all the constraints of urban infrastructure, services, and security during major events on daily basis.

•It is to be underlined that according to the local urban regulations, projected constructions should not exceed 6 storeys including the ground floor for Marrakesh city and 3 storeys including the ground floor for the studied site. Furthermore, the color of the facades should be “Red Marrakesh”; however this color doesn’t consider the albedo effect from a bioclimatic point of view. Also, P.A and S.D.A.U must be considered as regulation documents.

•The exercise consists of an urban planning project with concept plans on the 100Ha, then a zoom of an architectural project chosen by the students. The architectural project must have a floor surface between 2500m² and 3000m² with eventual outdoor facilities as extension … The constructed m² should not exceed 3500m² all levels included, The building should not exceed 3 storeys including the ground floor
•History of the site and memory of the places
•Social mix and Function mix
•Social and economic equity
•Environment and ecology
•Sustainability and resilience
•Drawing scale and its relation to design mastery
•Urban fabric / density
•Transport and traffic flow
•Economy / opportunities
•Bioclimatic data

The program must respect the following :
•An area reserved for events including stands: 33%
•Parking area for events: 7%
•Public Spaces including Green spaces: minimum 10%
•Development Plan (P.A.) Roads and Service Roads: maximum 20%
•Different Facilities depending on the chosen scenario including administration and logistic building. The chosen facilities must respect the vision of the S.D.A.U, P.A and the existing elements on the site: maximum 30% including parking areas.
  • Renovation

  • M O D E R N     A R C H I T E C T U R E

근대건축물 리노베이션 프로젝트

대구를 제외한 경상북도 지역의 건축물 중 1900년 - 1950 년 사이에 완공된 건축물을 선정하여,
리노베이션하는 프로젝트이다.

근대건축물 리노베이션의 의의

우리의 도시공간에는 역사적 의미와 가치를 가진 다양한 근대건축물이 존재한다. 그러나 도시의 발전에 의한 계속되는 확장으로 거대화 일변도에 편중되어져 있다. 또한 이러한 도시의 빠른 확장은 무분별한 도시개발의 허용으로 이어지고, 보전계획이 마련되기도 전에 노후, 훼손된 역사적 가치를 가진 근대건축물은 보전의식과 경제논리에 밀려 이미 상당수는 이미 멸실되고 훼손 되어지고 있다. 우리의 문화 역사적 산물인 근대건축물의 보존과 활용을 위한 리노베이션 아이디어를 제안한다. 또한 보존, 활용가능한 근대건축물을 재활용함으로 지속 가능한 사회의 구축과 도시의 정체성을 확립하는데 의의가 있다.